jueves, junio 30, 2011


The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. PSALM 16:6

She was at it again. Our eccentric neighbor was in our yard trimming our bushes and pruning our trees. When we built our home, we were blessed with a big backyard 150 feet from our backdoor neighbor. The "Smiths" had lived in their home about 14 years before we came along and had landscaped the back third of our lot as if it were their own. When we bought the property, Mrs. Smith was not happy that we were encroaching on her annex. Over the next several years the boundary line again grew a bit fuzzy for her. Gradually she began inching her way back into our yard, acting as though it were her own.

Finally, after years of pleading, we did what we shoudl have done in the first place. We put up a fence.

This reminds me of what Satan tried to do in our lives. Before we knew Jesus Christ, Satan pretended we were his. He planted thoughts in our minds, sinful acts in our wills, and insecurities in our emotions. But God purchased us at a very high price, and we became His treasured prossessions.

Satan knows where the boundary lines around our hearts lie, but just like Mrs. Smith, he creeps back in to plant a little thought here, a little temptation there. The next thing we know, he's standing on a ladder trimming our trees! Well, maybe not our trees, but he's lopping off areas of growth and whacking at anything within his reach.

So what do we do when we see the enemy creeping back on our purchased territory? Weshow him the title deed signed by God and put up a fence of faith to keep him out! Works every time.

From the book "Extraordinary moments with God" by Sharon Jaynes

viernes, junio 24, 2011

Follow me

"Follow me", Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. LUKE 5:27-28

John worked in the family business, and though he was 17, he was reluctant to get his driver's license. Uncle Bob felt the boy was putting off growing up, so he came over one day, took John by the arm, and said, "Boy, it's time to go and get your driver's license."

"But Uncle Bob," John replied, "I haven't practiced enough. I'm not good enough yet."

"Don't you worry about that, son," Bob said. "I'll teach you what you need to knoe on the way."

The two men, one young with clammy hands and the older with a knowing grin, drove over to the Department of Motor Vehicles. John parked smack dab in the middle of two spaces with the line running under the middle of the car. He nervously walked into the building, fumbled through the driving test, and miraculously came out with a valid driver's license.

"I wondered how in the world I passed that test," the now older John mused. "Years later i found out. Uncle Bob knew the patrolman who administered it."

And that, my friend, is the gospel. Jesus takes us by the hand. "Follow me," He says. Sometimes we tell Him, "I'm not ready. I need more practice. I'm not good enough yet."

But Jesus says, "Don't you worry about that. You just come with Me, and I'll teach you what you need to know along the way."

And He makes sure we pass the exam...because He knows the One administering the test.

From the book "Extraordinary moments with God" by Sharon Jaynes.
